When working parents don’t have the necessary support and access to provide care for their children, it results in:

  • Low morale and low productivity at work
  • Absenteeism and tardiness
  • Lower chance of success
  • High turnover rate

DocJo’s Employee Wellness program is a tailored solution that will help employees achieve a work-life balance and thus improve their performance at work. With this solution, you will be able to gain a holistic view of all employees’ perspectives and move engagement forward. You will be able to better understand the needs of your working parent employees. We will also extend our services to accommodate your entire staff (not only parents) through a catered program designed specifically for your organization.
Empower your employees to be more:

  • Productive and present
  • Loyal and assured
  • Emotionally and mentally at ease
  • Motivated


Parent Coach

Parent coaching assists parents in clarifying how they want their relationships with their children to be and provides tools to help them create a deeper and more fulfilling connection for their family. A parent coach can assist you in clarifying your parenting values, experiences, and goals and creating a work-life balance.

Behavioral and Mental Health

DocJo’s Behavioral and Mental Health expert focuses on the behavioral and mental well-being of the child. Experts provide consultations catered to the parents’ and child’s requirements. Experts can address a range of concerns from poor eating or sleeping habits, tantrums, excessive usage of electronics to stubbornness.

Medical Services

General Practitioners help with a child’s physical health, growth, and development. The purpose of the DocJo GPs is not to replace the doctors on medical health insurance. The GP is there for support and guidance during medical situations when the parent or guardian does not have direct contact with the child’s doctor, if they need to be referred to a specialist, or if they just want an answer without the hassle of waiting rooms. 

DocJo Platform

Each employee will have access to their own personalized, private and secure dashboard that offers a variety of features to help them navigate through their wellness journey such as:
1- Call Summaries
2- Tips & Tools
3- Resources
4- Digital Records
5- A library of articles and videos
Employees will have access to the same features as the non-corporate packages